Leaving a Garden — and Finding a Forever Friend
Struggling in a new life, I set out to move my old garden. My quest led to a friend with lessons on plants, dancing with ladybugs and finding fresh strength.

Hot Enough … for Ice-Cold Chocolate Cake
My friend’s mom, Franny, says a cold piece of chocolate cake with milk is perfect when it’s too hot to sleep. She was right about that — and much more.

Back to the Earth
How a dilemma over a mountain of mulch at the garden center on my 53rd birthday became a favorite moment of this year’s celebration.
View the Thanksgiving-in-February Blog
My search for peace — one story at a time, and shared to offer hope. View All Posts.

Welcome to my Love Stories
Your love stories matter. Our love stories of all kinds lead us to peace — and, oh my, how this world needs peace.
How we love our families, our friends, ourselves and people we don’t even know. How we do more of what we love to do. How we love the natural world.
I’m Lisa Duchene, a writer and seeker. My stories here on ThanksgivinginFebruary.com explore making peace with ourselves, our families, each other and our world. (More about me.)
What’s Thanksgiving in February? Well, there’s a story, and that led to a personal mindset and sharing this growing collection of stories, aka blog.
Welcome to this gathering place. I’m so glad you’re here.
Join me on this journey. I hope it inspires your own.
P.S. ~ Follow by email HERE, or use the black buttons under my pic to follow on Facebook or Instagram.
What is "Thanksgiving in February"?
“Thanksgiving in February” began as an unexpected, magical family dinner — a celebration among a broken family over turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pie on a bitter cold, February night. There’s a story.
It became a mindset, and title for this growing collection of stories — and an annual, family tradition to host a Thanksgiving in February dinner.
For more about this personal mindset and site, read Welcome to Thanksgiving in February.
To read my core story of finding peace with my dad and family-of-origin, read Thanksgiving in February ~ The Core Story.
Read more stories about …
Finding Family
You Had Me at Pears
He appeared at my door with a bottle of wine. He’d hosted his family for Thanksgiving earlier in the day. My guests had just left. Read the story.
A Squirrel on the Cutting Board ~ A Stepmom’s Tale of Making Food & Family
Loving Nature
From this Mess, May Something Beautiful Rise
Grab a shovel. Making something new and beautiful from these messy times is up to each of us. Read the story.
Brighter Still, Whisper the Fireflies
Your light lifts me. My light lifts you. Together, we chase out the darkness. Read the post.